SPECIAL OFFER: 48 Hour Fast-Action Bonuses + 1:1 Coaching (6 Months) | Pursuit of Peace & Purpose

A personalized, 6-month coaching program empowering empaths and highly sensitive people (HSPs) who are overwhelmed and feel unfulfilled to find inner peace and connect to their purpose by facilitating a process of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and stress management to live a more meaningful, fulfilling life. Coaching Tools: Mindset Understand how your current actions and mindset are creating your current reality. Learn how to change your mindset to get your desired results. Tools: Coaching Mindset Model, Identifying Limiting Beliefs, & more Mindfulness & Stress Management Regulate and calm down your nervous system to be able to navigate stressful situations as you are growing and stretching yourself towards new, big goals. Work closer to embodying your higher self. Tools: EFT Tapping, Breathwork, Bilateral Stimulation, & more Self-Discovery & Spiritual Growth Peel away the superficial layers created by false narratives, societal standards, and expectations to reveal your soul desires and purpose. Tools: Meditation, Journaling, Hypnotic Meditations, Human Design, Gene Keys, & more Coaching Structure: Personalized weekly 1:1 coaching sessions via Zoom Unlimited Voxer support in between coaching sessions Access to past webinars in the member portal IMPORTANT NOTE: Please schedule a complimentary Clarity Call before purchasing to ensure this program is a fit for your needs. Thank you!

Get started for only $197! Your monthly payment will be $197 for 6 months total.